
Kaxe wordish
Kaxe wordish

kaxe wordish

kaxe wordish

Co-nom/obvious support: As Deckiller said (and thank you for the wonderful comments, Deck I didn't realize you thought so highly of the article), I did a lot of work on this one and I feel like it warrants being counted among the best of Wikipedia.This is how Ryu wanted to depart from Wikipedia activity with a bang, and I think he'll get one. I usually go with your advice, and I won't consider moving the article forward until you agree with me, but this time, I feel sure of our current standing. I think we should try it before cutting anything, and only cut if they provide some darn good reasoning. and I'm just too lazy to scroll any longer than that" then it's not an honor worth getting. If FA isn't something an article can get just because somebody says "This comprehensive and informative article on a major subject takes me more than half a second to scroll the entire length. I really feel like it deserves its place as FA like it stands right now. Reviewers aren't even supposed to look at the references beyond making sure that they're actually referencing what we claim they are. I know you also have concerns about the References, but according to Wikipedia:Article size, only the main body of prose is supposed to be counted. There are actually Featured Articles longer this one, such as World War I, Polish-Soviet War, Byzantine Empire and Theodore Roosevelt. They would have to explain how we got off the subject in the face of us knowing why the information is relevant and able to point it out. I know there are some people who will oppose on the basis of length alone, but we both know that's not a valid objection. Playing video games in the US was suddenly cool, "RPG" became a household name outside Japan, and you could say a game took 60 hours to finish to an awed audience instead of a jeering one. I mean, this really is the game that changed everything.

kaxe wordish

This is the World War II of video game articles. I might not personally worship the game, but it can't be denied its props. I know I'm sounding like a Final Fantasy VII zealot when I say that, but it's true. Again, I know we've got a lot of content, but this isn't an article about just any game.

Kaxe wordish software#

In the Development section, we're able to provide info on the software that was used in the game's development, how many people it took, how much money was spent, what prompted the leap into 3D, the initial 3D experiment (something that resulted in some criticism leveled at Square by gamers, which is mentioned later), the rationale behind some extremely notable decisions that have affected gaming ever since, the difficulties overcome in developing this groundbreaking game, and one of the most intensive marketing campaigns in the history of gaming. More than most of them have in all honesty. I know there's a lot of content to the article, but there's a lot of content to the game, and we don't even make note of a lot of it. I mean, looking back through the various Plot sections, I don't see anything we can lose because it's either backstory vital to understanding the rest of it, subplots that have to be touched upon in order to meet comprehensive standards, character design info that we always include and shouldn't cut just on the basis of length (it's technically shorter than VIII's character section anyway), or the major revelations and resolutions of the storyline (and we're still ignoring how much? Rufus gets mentioned one time, we don't mention any specific Turks' names, "huge materia" doesn't pop up, nor does "Sister Ray" or "Northern Cave", Bugenhagen's name doesn't even appear outside of references, all the specifics of Barret, Red, Yuffie and Cid's stories don't even get touched on, etc.). Pesonally, I think if we shortened anything, we'd be losing that comprehensive overview. I mean, the thing is long as hell, yeah, but it does meet the FA criterion of staying tightly focused on the subject. Maybe it's because I'm too close to the subject (I wrote the entire article, and after almost 100kb, I guess that's inevitable XD), but I honestly can't see what we could lose from the Plot or Development sections. Additionally, I raised a few concerns with Ryu, and here was his reply: Speaking of copyedits, it might need a few more tweaks, but we'll leave that for you to determine. It has nearly 140 references, is amazingly comprehensive when considering that this is the most influential video game of all time (but not the best!), and 80 percent of the work was done by Ryu I only performed a light copyedit on this one. I'm wicked jealous - this is perhaps the best article on Wikipedia.

Kaxe wordish